ABG Calculations



Standard Base Excess:


BEECF = 0.93(HCO3 - 24.4 + 14.84(pH -7.4))



BE = (1 - 0.023Hb)(HCO3 - 24.4 + (2.3Hb + 7.7)(pH - 7.4))

by substituting Hb = 3.1 mM (5 g/dL)


HCO3 = 0.03 × pCO2 × 10 (pH - 6.1)
(Simplified from Henderson-Hasselbalch equation)



Story: Bedside Stewart


Na−Cl effect = (Na−Cl)−35
Lactate effect = 1−lactate
Albumin effect = 0.25×(42−albumin)
Other Ions effect = SBE−(sum of above effects)





Metabolic change responding to change in PaCO2:
Acute deltaSBE = 0
Chronic deltaSBE = 0.4 x deltaPaCO2 

Respiratory change responding to change in SBE:
Acidosis deltaPaCO2 = 1.0 x deltaSBE 
Alkalosis deltaPaCO2 = 0.6 x deltaSBE

“Six Rules”:

Rule 1

1 for 10 in Acute Respiratory Acidosis


The HCO3will increase by 1 mmol/l for every 10mmHg in pCO2 over 40(mmhg)


Expected HCO3–   = 24 + [actual pCO2 – 40]/10


Effectively the higher CO2 shifts the equilibrium towards the production of more HCO3

Rule 2

4 for 10 in Chronic Respiratory Acidosis


The HCO3 will increase by 4 mmol/l for every 10mmHg in pCO2 over 40


Expected HCO3= 24 + 4 [actual pCO2 – 40]/10


Renal compensation occurs over a few days.

Rule 3

2 for 10 in Acute Respiratory Alkalosis


The HCO3will decrease by 2mmol/l for every 10mmgHg in pCO2 below 40


Expected HCO3= 24 -2 (40- Actual pCO2)/10


However you can normally not get a HCO3less than 18mmol/l because you cannot have negative values of PCO2.  So if your number here is less than 18, it suggests a co-existing metabolic acidosis.

Rule 4

The 5 for 10 Rule for a Chronic Respiratory Alkalosis


HCO3 will reduce by 5mmol/l for every 10mmHg decrease in pCO2 below 40mmHg.


Expected HCO3 = 24 -5 [40-Actual pCO2]/10


The limit of compensation is about 12-15 mmol/l


Your answer can be +/-2

Rule 5

The One and Half plus 8 Rule for a metabolic acidosis


Expected PCO2 = 1.5 x [HCO3-] + 8


The limit of PCO2 is about 10 mmHg  Your answer can be +/-2

Rule 6

The point Seven plus Twenty Rule for a metabolic alkalosis


Expected pCO2 = 0.7 x [HCO3]  + 20


Your answer can be +/-5